Town of Hartford
Comprehensive Plan Review Committee
December 10, 2024
Comprehensive Plan Review Committee
December 10, 2024
I. Introduction of Comprehensive Plan and Goals
II. Review available source materials and guidance. See Introductory Letter from the Planning Board (just sent) and Erica Bufkins PowerPoint.
III. Introduction of current Committee members and reasons for wanting to serve on the Committee.
IV. Review responsibilities of Committee members and assess if the goals of participant distribution meets recommended diversity. Recommendations are:
A Representative of a local business, fishermen, farmers, or real estate professional. A Representative of a local land trust or conservation group. A Person with special interests (environment, day care, housing, historic resources, etc.). A Long-time resident. A New resident. A Person with specific skills (foresters, surveyors, attorneys, architects, etc.). A Person with media and public communications experience. A Person who tends to support land use regulation. A Person who is suspicious of land use regulation.
Be able to participate in the committee for up to 12 months, may be several years to completion. Be able to attend meetings in the evenings. Attend monthly meetings. Review written materials and be able to address and analyze content. Listen to many differing values and opinions. Perform research and data gathering tasks, as needed.
VI. Election of Officers: (Taken from descriptions in the Planning Board By-Laws)
Chair: shall preside at all meetings and hearings of the Committee and has authority to appoint all subcommittees and to call work sessions.
Vice Chair: shall act for the Chair in their absence.
Secretary: shall be responsible for the minutes and records of the Committee, may prepare an agenda for any meeting with the Chair, shall attend to correspondence of the Committee, and other duties normally carried out by a Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a record of all resolutions, transactions, correspondence, findings and determinations of the Committee. All records shall be public and may be inspected at reasonable times.
VII. Discuss the need for a document repository so we can contribute, share and edit materials, like a google drive document, to work on materials between formal meetings.
VIII. Discuss Plan content areas and make initial determinations of which Committee members will be working on each category. (I have been working on a document that compares the goals and means of the 1992 and 2008 Plans by content area, and lists resources and some data updates pertinent to each as a jumping off point for Committee members.)
IX. Discuss a Committee budget proposal, as due December 31st, for the next fiscal year.
X. Schedule and plan the agenda for the next meeting, which content area(s) to review.
XI. Adjourn
II. Review available source materials and guidance. See Introductory Letter from the Planning Board (just sent) and Erica Bufkins PowerPoint.
III. Introduction of current Committee members and reasons for wanting to serve on the Committee.
IV. Review responsibilities of Committee members and assess if the goals of participant distribution meets recommended diversity. Recommendations are:
A Representative of a local business, fishermen, farmers, or real estate professional. A Representative of a local land trust or conservation group. A Person with special interests (environment, day care, housing, historic resources, etc.). A Long-time resident. A New resident. A Person with specific skills (foresters, surveyors, attorneys, architects, etc.). A Person with media and public communications experience. A Person who tends to support land use regulation. A Person who is suspicious of land use regulation.
Be able to participate in the committee for up to 12 months, may be several years to completion. Be able to attend meetings in the evenings. Attend monthly meetings. Review written materials and be able to address and analyze content. Listen to many differing values and opinions. Perform research and data gathering tasks, as needed.
VI. Election of Officers: (Taken from descriptions in the Planning Board By-Laws)
Chair: shall preside at all meetings and hearings of the Committee and has authority to appoint all subcommittees and to call work sessions.
Vice Chair: shall act for the Chair in their absence.
Secretary: shall be responsible for the minutes and records of the Committee, may prepare an agenda for any meeting with the Chair, shall attend to correspondence of the Committee, and other duties normally carried out by a Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a record of all resolutions, transactions, correspondence, findings and determinations of the Committee. All records shall be public and may be inspected at reasonable times.
VII. Discuss the need for a document repository so we can contribute, share and edit materials, like a google drive document, to work on materials between formal meetings.
VIII. Discuss Plan content areas and make initial determinations of which Committee members will be working on each category. (I have been working on a document that compares the goals and means of the 1992 and 2008 Plans by content area, and lists resources and some data updates pertinent to each as a jumping off point for Committee members.)
IX. Discuss a Committee budget proposal, as due December 31st, for the next fiscal year.
X. Schedule and plan the agenda for the next meeting, which content area(s) to review.
XI. Adjourn